Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots Calls on Counties to Fight Gov. Lee’s Refugee Resettlement Decision


Members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots have created a formal document people may use to pass along to their elected officials at the county and city level to declare they give no consent to refugee resettlement.

President Trump’s recent executive order allowed state and local governments to say no to the resettlement of refugees in their geographic areas.

Last week, Gov. Bill Lee said yes to the continued resettlement of refugees in the state, despite widespread opposition, particularly among members of his own Republican party.

People may read the document here.

“A formal document has been created, for your use, by an attorney who is HIGHLY familiar with the Refugee Resettlement issue. The document is titled: A Resolution of No Consent to Refugee Resettlement,” according to an email members of the organization sent members this week.

“Please print and give this document to your City Mayor & Chairman of your County Commissioners for their use in declaring your city/county NO CONSENT TO REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT.”

Among the people members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots ask people to contact:  

 • Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee at the State Capitol, 1st Floor, 600 Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Blvd., Nashville, TN 37243, (615) 741-2001. Email form to contact Governor Lee:

• U.S. Republican President Donald Trump with the following contact information: Comments: 202-456-1111; Switchboard: 202-456-1414; TTY/TTD Comments: 202-456-6213;  Twitter:  @potus  OR  @realdonaldtrump; Email: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/; By Mail at The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,  Washington, DC 20500

• U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at https://register.state.gov/contactus/contactusform and on Twitter at @SECPOMPEO

• The Tennessee House of Representatives web site (and to look up your State Rep):

• Members of the Tennessee Senate at http://www.capitol.tn.gov/senate/members/

• U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander at  (202) 224-4944

• U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn at (202) 224-3344

•  The toll-free U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 1-866-220-0044.

•  You may also contact members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots at [email protected]

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, members of the organization have asked that people engage with their local and other elected officials to make sure their areas are not refugee resettlement areas.

They ask that you also contact your local elected officials to make sure they do declare your area a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots made this request in an email to their members last weekend. They cited U.S. Republican President Donald Trump’s recent Executive Order allowing states and localities to reject the resettlement of refugees into their areas.

Members of the group are asked to contact their city and county mayors and county commissioners “to issue a formal directive to the Governor of Tennessee, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Trump, Your TN. State Rep. & Senator, indicating that they DO NOT WANT Refugees Resettled into their areas.”

The group also offered an article on the costs of refugee resettlement.

Members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots also referenced a bill introduced in the state House and Senate concerning refugee resettlement. Group members want people to contact their state House and state Senate representatives and ask them to co-sponsor the bill.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots Calls on Counties to Fight Gov. Lee’s Refugee Resettlement Decision”

  1. Brenda Hutchens

    I contacted the governors office when I first saw this. I live in the Memphis area which is already over run. Catholic charities have been bring them in unknown to the locals for years. Everywhere I go I hear nothing but Spanish. Dont get me wrong. I have Cuban friends that migrated legally. Loe them dearly . The lady in his office said ” surprisingly enough the majority of our calls are for this”. BS. I’m a Tennessean and I know better. Didn’t believe her for one minute. I voted for Bill Lee. Now I’ve been stabbed in the back. Hope he’s happy being a one time governor. We have a long memory and we won’t forget this this at reelection time.5

  2. Gay Roberts

    I am totally against resettlement in Tennessee. I voted for you last time. If you bring them in our state I will not vote for you again and I will actively work against you.

    1. Cathleen Stewart

      I’m with you.

  3. Ralph

    Battles favor the prepared; be informed and armed with facts:


    The USA houses over 300,000 refugees, Turkey alone houses over ten times that many, 3.7 million at latest count, Pakistan is next but even so has less than half of what Turkey does.

    The only western country that ranks in the top 10 in absolute terms, with over 1 million refugees, is Germany. Ask an ethnic German living in Germany how things are going in their country.

    On a per capita basis, Sweden is the only western country that ranks in the top 10, with 25 refugees per 1000 “inhabitants” (you just gotta love the UN and their PC crap.). Sweden now has one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the world and are about to get into a border war with Denmark since Denmark has told them not to come there.’

    The rate of refugee returns is declining – which is to say once the refugees leave, fewer and fewer return to their homeland, despite improving conditions there. Over 100,000 newborns of refugees in Turkey alone.

    One of the (rare) success stories in the rate of returns is Syria – as the country grows more stable, refugees have been returning – not from western countries though (how many from Nashville pray tell?), but largely from bordering countries – such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The Turks, Lebanese and Jordanians are concerned about being ethnically displaced in their own country, so this isn’t a race nor ethnicity issue.

    It is, instead, an issue of nationalism versus globalism. As such, you have to be discerning as to the UN agenda, which is the world’s leading advocate for globalism. Citing the UN’s own report:

    “The global refugee population stood at 25.9 million
    at the end of 2018….has nearly doubled since 2012 when it stood at
    10.5 million”

    The gap between needs and countries willing to host refugees exceeds 90%. The ONLY feasible solution is to house refugees closest to their homeland with an eye towards eventual repatriation. Failure to do so will mean one thing and one thing only: skyrocketing crime rates and ethnic displacement in our own country. Open borders and a totalitarian world government governed by the elite few is the agenda, make no mistake.

    Ask someone who is a life long resident of Minneapolis, or Milwaukee, how things are going. That is as nothing compared to the potential.

    It’s all part of the globalist agenda, and surprising to me that Gov. Lee either refuses to acknowledge that fact (there are none so blind as those who will not see) or has decided part of the plan. And even were that not the case, again, it is the more compassionate course of action to house refugees closest to their homeland.

    For the USA, the countries of origin are largely Central America – Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, and Venezuela.

    Per this report, over 3 million refugees have left Venezuela and they are about to eclipse Syria for having the highest number of refugees. The destination has been primarily for Peru or Colombia, but the number of asylum seekers overwhelmingly favor the USA.

    More than 5000 Venezuelans leave their country every day…that bears repeating, 5000 every day. At that rate, the number refugees currently in the USA would double in about two months.

    President Trump’s administration is addressing the problem by establishing the groundwork so that the Central American nations can restore some stability and house their own refugees.

    Don’t let the globalists win, it is the road to misery and deprivation for the many in favor of the few, and there is no return if they win.

  4. CCW

    “…It is a very small group of refugees. Averages about two families per Tennessee County.
    Several years ago I worked on a piece of legislation designed to make this process have little effect on local communities. It is working well.”
    Spoken like a man who thinks he knows where all the illegal aliens are and their total number in Tennessee? Oh, OK, how about in Davidson County? Not so sure are you? How about the number headed this way because it looks like Billy Lee is going to welcome them with open arms?

  5. Martha Brown

    As the rest of Tennessee logically rejects refugees, we in liberal, bankrupt Davidson with our schools in a mess, will get most if not all of them. Can’t blame the rest of the state but it just sinks Davidson lower in our bankrupt and criminals running wild, short of police situation. Thanks, Governor.

  6. Silence Dogood

    As a continued note I have heard back from my State Senator, Richard Briggs, and I wanted to say his response was most gratifying. I am confident that he will take the Refugee fight to the Governors office. Thank you Senator Briggs!!

  7. Silence Dogood

    I live in Knox County, State District 7. I have sent emails to my County Commissioner and the two At-Large County Commissioners with no response. It is the holidays so that might have delayed 1 or 2 of them but all 3 seems unlikely. I contacted ‘Representative Bill Dunn and he sent this:
    Bill Dunn
    Fri, Dec 20, 3:36 PM (7 days ago)
    Dear Stephen,
    Thank you for contacting me regarding this timely subject. President Trump has decided that our country will allow a certain amount of refugees, who in most cases, are fleeing for their lives, to settle in the United States. He has asked the states if they are willing to help with their new lives. Governor Lee has answered his call and I can’t fault him for that.
    It is a very small group of refugees. Averages about two families per Tennessee County.
    Several years ago I worked on a piece of legislation designed to make this process have little effect on local communities. It is working well.
    During this Christmas season, let us remember that the Holy Family became refugees in Eygpt to escape Herod’s slaughter of the innocents.
    I hope this answers concerns.
    Have a Blessed Christmas!
    Rep. Bill Dunn

    I have concluded that most of the East Tennessee Republicans that represent me are Pro life Democrats, not Conservatives. The Democrat Party is alive and well in Tennessee. They have just renamed themselves Republicans. Like HRC they say what the need to get elected and then do what they want to after elected. The only solution to this problem, as I see it, is the ability to have recall elections.

  8. Ralph

    What needs to be emphasized is how resettling a refugee here is 12 times more expensive than doing so closer to their own homeland. Reference the data from the link in this article:


    So the policy of relocating one refugee here denies the funds that could be used to save twelve refugees there, AND in a culture similar to their own where they share the same values, speak the same language and eat the same foods, AND from where they are most likely to return to their homeland once the situation is stabilized.

    In other words, appeal to the compassionate side, not the self-centered one. Compassion is the defense that Gov. Lee used for his decision and so that is the argument to be made. I agree with the need for compassion, and providing refuge for twelve times the number in a land and culture closer to their own IS the more compassionate route.

    President Trump himself said the very same in his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25, 20i8:

    “As we see in Jordan, the most compassionate policy is to place refugees as close to their homes as possible to ease their eventual return to be part of the rebuilding process. This approach also stretches finite resources to help far more people, increasing the impact of every dollar spent.”

    1. Ruby H. Brown

      Governor Lee, our area has already been flooded with refugees. It is a huge burden for taxpayers. i understand that you approve of adding more refugees. Many of our own citizens need relief and it is not fair to ask more of them. Our national debt is terrible already. Enough is enough.
